
President Societe Petzl
Monday, October 11th - 20.30 - 21.10pm : Ispo Opening Dinner
Topic: The extraordinary life and times of Paul Petzl
Paul Petzl was born on April 5, 1950, in Saint-Ismier (Isère), at the base of the dent de Crolles - in the Chartreuse massif. His grandfather a German engineer had settled there in the early 1900’s. Paul’s father, Fernand Petzl, followed his grandfather into engineering but his one true passion was caving. In 1933, with Pierre Chevalier, he explored 17 kilometers of the dent de Crolles network. From 1952, he headed the Gouffre Berger expedition, which in 1956 reached a depth of one thousand meters, a world record at the time. In 1933, Fernand began using his engineering skills to producing climbing tools.
Paul is like his father a caving enthusiast and decided he wanted to combine his work and his pleasure. And so after studying in Grenoble (BAC and technical diploma in mechanics), he joined his father’s small-scale workshop, in those days the business had 7 employees and turnover of approx 500,000 euros.
Ideas fused and culminated in 1973 with the creation of new rope clamps and the first «entirely on the head» headlamp. In 1975, things changed with the creation of the Petzl corporation and the construction of the first building at Crolles. The equipment manufactured by Petzl began to catch the interest of sports other than caving: mountaineers were buying the SHUNT, ASCENSION and headlamps designed specially for them. The 1980s saw an explosion in the practice of rock climbing. Petzl invented climbing harnesses for these new markets and designed the machines that would produce them.
In 1986 Petzl was the first company in its sector to equip itself with a testing lab. In the 1990s, many mountaineers and cavers set up businesses in the field of aerial work. This was a new challenge for Petzl. The work at height sector was about to develop. In 2000, Charlet Moser (manufacturer of crampons and ice axes) joined the Petzl group. Another important event in that same year was the invention of the first LED headlamp: the TIKKA. In 2006, the Petzl Foundation was born and started to support education, prevention, environment and research projects in the sports, work-at-height and rescue sectors and was followed in 2008 the creation of V.axess, The Petzl Institute for sharing and experimentation.
Today Paul Petzl sits at the helm of a business with sales of 80 million euros, 80 % outside of France, 450 employees, and a distribution network spanning fifty-one countries. Over a span of 30 years, Paul has significantly contributed to the development of both the sports and professional vertical market and many of Petzl’s developments have represented important stages in their evolution. Today, Paul lives with his family at the base of the Chartreuse. He has two sons, Sébastien and Olivier, the latter a member of the Petzl team.
His business philosophy is based on a few essential values « to continually improve so that the company’s success gives it the means to be independent and to develop, to always listen to the needs of the users in each industry, to serve them best and with the most avant-garde techniques and to keep the human and family dimension of a company ,that respects its clients and its employees».
Founder and chief entrepreneur of UTOPIES, Founder of Mescoursespourlaplanete.com
Tuesday 12th October - 10.20-11.20am : SEMINAR #1
Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility 2.0: The next step
In the future, only companies that make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) a strategic goal, thus accepting a rethink of their business models as well as their products, technologies and brand promise, will achieve competitive advantage. The days of the current corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach are over : focused on industrial practices and internal processes, it was put in place mostly as a defensive approach - aimed at anticipating new regulations, preventing image crisis, reducing costs and preserving company’s licences to operate. But in most cases, the business model has remained unchanged and unchallenged. Even if “green” or “responsible” products were launched, they were not seriously promoted… And CSR fell short in solving the social and ecological challenges, because corporate practices only affect a tiny share of business’s global impact: no matter how great a car manufacturer is doing in deploying ISO certification in its industrial sites, and reducing the CO2 emissions of its factories, factories only account for 12% of the global CO2 emissions of the industry, while cars account for 80% of its climate impact. So if we do not shift technology portfolios used for mobility (whether electric, hybrid, etc.), if we do not think of alternative mobility solutions more sustainable than individual cars (e.g. public transportation, car sharing), and above all if we do not succeed in mainstreaming these throughout the world, then we will fail in addressing the climate challenge… This is our challenge for many years to come: we need a new CSR revolution that will go beyond risk management and seizes the potential for innovation and brand differentiation . Elizabeth will explain how this new approach, that she calls "Corporate Social Responsibility 2.0", is particularly relevant to the outdoor industry, whose goals are in essence aligned with sustainability.
At 43, Elisabeth Laville is one of the most experienced persons in the field of CSR in France and one of Europe's leading experts in corporate social and environmental responsibility. After graduating from HEC Business School in 1988, she created Utopies in 1993, a think-tank and consultancy specialising in sustainable development. It is now acknowledged as "the pioneering consultancy for sustainable business strategies" (Enjeux-Les Echos Magazine, Nov. 01).
Today, Elisabeth Laville and the Utopies team of 20 people are dedicated to awareness-raising and building partnerships with influential organizations such as the UNEP and the Global Compact. The company has worked on CSR strategies and management for an extensive range of corporate clients, ranging from CSR pioneers such as Ben & Jerry's, Nature & Découvertes or Interface, to major international groups such as Carrefour, Lafarge, VEOLIA, Danone, Michelin, Tetrapak, L’Oréal, SITA/Suez, ST Microelectronics, Rhodia, Alstom, Sodexo and General Mills. (See www.utopies.com for more).
Elisabeth has also set up various cross-company initiatives n sustainable construction (www.constructiondurable.com) and green marketing and responsible communication (www.communicationresponsable.com), through which businesses can develop their knowledge in the field of CSR and share practices.
Elisabeth is also a teacher at HEC, the most prestigious French Business School, where in 2000 she launched the first CSR classes. Since early 2003, she has also served on British Telecom's Leadership Panel, a group of leading European experts and opinion-makers solicited by BT to challenge its approach to sustainable development. She has chaired Lafarge’s permanent stakeholder panel since its inception in 2002 and is also involved in a number of other organizations including Unis-Cité, C2DS, Fondation Tour du Valat, Médecins sans frontières, Biomimicry Europa Association and Nature & Découvertes.
In 2004 she co-founded a second venture, Graines de Changement (Seeds of Change), an information/communication agency dedicated to delivering positive information on sustainability solutions through inspiring books towards the general public (among them, the first guide to Green Jobs co-authored with Marie Balmain), a weekly column on ‘Change Agents’ in the daily paper Metro, a free monthly e-newsletter on www.grainesdechangement.com (10000 visitors per month), press supplements, special campaigns or exhibitions and media projects
As if that wasn’t a dizzying enough workload, she launched the website
www.mescoursespourlaplanete.com (Shopping for a Better World) in November 2007, the first French on-line guide to sustainable consumption. Today it has more than 70 000 visitors and 600 000 page views per month, and was selected as one of the 20 outstanding and inspiring websites by Strategies Magazine.
Elisabeth is the mother of Eve, born in September 2005.
- Elisabeth Laville novembre (2009)
Guide des labels de la consommation responsable : Tous les labels pour mieux consommer.
- Elisabeth Laville novembre (2008)
La vie en vert : Enfants, mode, maison, bureau, loisirs : guide des choix écologiques au quotidien
- Elisabeth Laville et Marie Balmain (2007)
Un régime pour la planète - Allégez l'impact écologique de votre alimentation en 1 mois seulement
- Elisabeth Laville (2006)
L'entreprise verte : Le développement durable change l'entreprise pour changer le monde.
- Elisabeth Laville, Marie Balmain, et François Lemarchand (2006)
Achetons responsable ! : Mieux consommer dans le respect des hommes et de la nature
- Marlène Morin et Elisabeth Laville décembre (2006)
Banque et développement durable : De la communication à l'action d
- Elisabeth Laville et Marie Balmain (2004)
Un métier pour la planète... et surtout pour moi ! : Guide pratique des carrières du développement durable.
- Zermatt Summitt (June 2010)
- ETHOS Conference in Brazil (May 2010)
Awards and Merits
- Challenges Magazine, (October 2009)
- included in the selection of “50 women knocking at the boardroom door”
- L’Express Styles Magazine, (October 2009)
- included in the selection of “25 women with power and creativity “
- Veuve Clicquot BusinessWoman of the Year Award (March 2008)
- Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur Award (Febuary. 2008) (given by the French Ministry for Environment)
- Elle magazine (October. 2007)
- included in the selection of “40 women who change things”
- L’Express Magazine (January 2003)
- included in the selection of “100 French people who will shape 2003”
- Synapsis Prize for the Best French Business Book for “L’entreprise verte” (2002)
Editor of the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship and Professor of Sports Marketing, University Paris South
Tuesday, October 12th - 12.00 -1.00 pm : SEMINAR #2
Topic: Sports marketing, what's over the horizon?
Sport marketing is a recent science: the first American handbooks were published in the 80’s. Since then the field has developed with both academics and practitioners working to push frontiers with the continual development of innovative concepts. Developments over the last decade include: Ambush marketing which can drastically reduce the value of your event sponsorship, CRM which gives you the opportunity to create a community, such as the surfwear industry (Quiksilver, Rip Curl…) has built, experiential marketing in flagship stores, where the consumer is not there to buy, he is there to “live an experience” thanks to the brand eg closer to a Starbucks strategy then traditional retail and Co-branding between a sport brand and a non-sport brand which attracts new consumers to your brand and gives value to your products, such as the partnership between Apple and Nike.
But we are now at a crossroads as much of the the marketing landscape, such as media distribution, is rapidly changing as the massive growth of the internet alters rules and values.New ideas are sweeping away many traditional marketing strategies and brands will need to keep their fingers close to the pulse to stay ahead of the pack. Michel will look at how the various categories of sports marketing have developed, where they are now and their relative importance and what will be key to successful marketing over the next decade.
Michel Desbordes is 40 years old. He was born in Strasbourg (France) on November 21st 1969. His father was born in the Alps and therefore Michel has been an outdoor sports fan from an early age enjoying cycling, climbing, hiking and skiing. This influenced him to mix sport and an academic career. After finishing his B.A. Management Sciences, with High Honors at the University of Paris IX-Dauphine, Michel went onto to study a Ph.D. in Management Sciences, which he passed with High Honors at the University Louis Pasteur, Starsbourg (France) and then completed a Habilitation, Management Sciences, with High Honors, at University of Paris-Assas Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
Since entering academia in 1994 Desbordes has held a number of positions firstly as a Lecturer at the Louis Pasteur University Strasbourg (France) from 1994-1998, and then as a Associate professor, Paris Sud-11 University (France) from 1999-2005 before becoming Full Professor at the Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg (France) in 2005. Michel is a specialist in sport marketing (sponsorship, management of sport events, public policies and sport, methodology and surveys) and is currently both an academic and consultant. Michelle holds professorships at both the University of Ottawa (Canada) as a auxiliary professor and as a Full Professor at the University of Paris South 11, Paris (France) and he is also the Editor of the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship www.imrpublications.com/SM/IJSM/board.html
Additionally he has lectured as an invited professor at Corvinus University (Hungary), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russia), EVTEK Institute of Technology (Helsinki, Finland), invited professor at the University of San Sebastian (Spain) and UIBE (University of International Business and Economics in Beijing (China).
Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2010). Neo-marketing of sport. Editions Elsevier, forthcoming.
Aubel, O., Desbordes, M., Lefevre, B. (2008). Pratique des études dans les organisations sportives. PUF publisher, Paris, 274 p.
Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2008). Sport et marketing public : études de cas dans les collectivités. Economica publisher, Paris, 271 p.
Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2007). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions d’Organisation publisher, Paris, 3rd edition, preface by Michel Platini, 260 p.
Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2006). Gestion y Organizacion de un Evento Deportivo. INDE Publicaciones, Barcelona, Spain, 221 p.
Desbordes, M (Eds.) (2006). Marketing and football, an international perspective. Elsevier publisher, Oxford (UK), 544 p.
Benguigui, N., Fontayne, P., Desbordes, M., & Bardy, B. (Eds.) (2005). Recherches actuelles en sciences du sport. EDP Sciences publisher, 861 p.
Desbordes, M., Bolle, G. (Eds.) (2005). Marketing et Football : une perspective internationale. Presses Universitaires du Sport publisher. 398 p.
Desbordes, M. (Eds.) (2004). Stratégie des entreprises dans le sport. Economica publisher, 2nd edition, Paris, 288 p.
Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2004). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions d’Organisation publisher, Paris, 2nd édition, preface by Michel Platini, 258 p.
Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (2004). Marketing du sport. Economica publisher, 3rd edition, Paris, 487 p.
Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2003). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions d’Organisation publisher, Paris, preface by Michel Platini, 272 p.
Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (2001). Estrategias del Marketing Deportivo. Editorial Paidotribo publisher, Barcelona, Spain. 553 p.
Conference Presentations
The internationalization of a sport league: A comparison between the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the French Soccer League (LFP). 24th congress of the North American Association for Sport Management, Columbia (USA), May 28th-June 1st 2009.
The strategic value of branding in sport: An international perspective. 23rd congress of the North American Association for Sport Management, Toronto (Canada), May 28th-June 1st 2008.
Europe vs. North America : what are the fundamental differences in the field of sport marketing? 22nd congress of the North American Association for Sport Management, Fort Lauderdale (USA), May 29th-June 2nd 2007.
Sport marketing and globalization: the example of football in Europe, America and Asia. Congress of the Portuguese Association of Sport Management, Aveiro, Portugal, May 26th 2007.
European specificities of sport marketing vs. an Anglo-Saxon vision? Keynote speaker of the Congress of the Portuguese Association of Sport Management, Aveiro, Portugal, May 24th 2007.
The internationalization of a sports team brand: The case of European soccer teams. Congress “Sport and business : facing the challenges of internationalization”, Heibronn Business School, Germany, April 23rd-24th 2007.
Developing marketing partnerships. 4th Congress of the SMA (Sport Marketing Association), Denver, USA, 2006.
Consommation sportive et distribution. Séminaire organisé à l’initiative de l’agence Armania, Paris, 19 septembre 2006
Pourquoi les ingénieurs doivent-ils faire du marketing ? 3ème congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Biarritz, 15-16 juin 2006.
The French specificities of sport marketing. Meeting of sport marketing, Birbeck College, University of London, UK, 23 novembre 2005.
Ingénierie sportive et marketing : un mariage de raison. Congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Université de Valenciennes, 24 juin 2005
Le marketing du sport : vers une professionnalisation des secteurs et des savoirs. Séminaire du laboratoire SOI, EA 3690, Université Toulouse III, 12 mai 2005.
Le cas Tony Parker à la lumière du marketing sportif. Table ronde « Sports US vs. sports européens » de l’ESG, INSEP, 17 juin 2004.
Evaluation du sponsoring sportif : les grands événements sont-ils morts ? Application au Tour de France cycliste 2003. 4ème Congrès de la Société Française de Management du Sport, Université de Bourgogne, 5 novembre 2003.
Tapping Generation Y: Understanding and Interpreting the Most Powerful consumers within the Global Sport Marketplace. 18th Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Ithaca College, NY State, USA, 29 mai/2 juin 2003.
Teenage Consumers Information Search Behaviors in the Athletic Footwear Category: A Cross- National Comparison. 18th Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Ithaca College, NY State, USA, 29 mai/2 juin 2003.
PEAK Development Manager and Consulting partner at Thesame
Tuesday, October 12th - 2.30 - 3.30pm: SEMINAR #3
Topic: Collaborative Innovation: A New Way of Thinking.
There’s a huge and untapped resource of innovation and economic efficiency available to the outdoor industry.
Usually a company’s main focus is to maximise its returns. Their internal resources will be geared in this direction, with operations externally managed by a global international network of suppliers, subcontractors and vendors. The model is all about streamline the efficiency of the business, with each separate unit trying to improve its own internal efficiency.
But what efforts are being made to make sure there is efficiency in external relationships?
Companies that can instil a climate of confidence with suppliers in each step of the relationship can reap huge economic benefits. It isn’t easy to achieve, but Pierre’s presentation will focus on ways that businesses can develop this new approach to innovation.
Pierre Jarniat is not an academic or a consultant expert, but a practitioner. Most of his career has been spent purchasing and sourcing management, especially in the outdoor trade (at companies such as Camping-Gaz, and Millet). For the last 15 years, Pierre has worked as Purchasing Director of Salomon, during which he managed the development of a global international sourcing network in Eastern Europe (Romania) and Asia (China).
At each of these companies, Pierre was involved in every aspect of innovation, from purchasing and sourcing, to supply chain management, new product development and human resources management. This varied experience gave Pierre the foundation to develop new concepts in innovation.
At the age of 59, Pierre headed in a new professional direction in order to share and pass on his vision of a new way of purchasing by joining THESAME, a French Association that focuses on management innovations. Pierre also founded and is the Development Manager of PEAK (Purchasing European Alliance for Knowledge), a platform of studies and research into purchasing, oriented towards customer/supplier collaborative approaches in industrial networks. PEAK combines 13 academic partners with 20 international companies (including Salomon, Danone, Sanofi-Pasteur, Legrand, Somfy, Bio-Mérieux and Tefal), all working together to develop a ‘new school’ of purchasing.
THESAME 20, avenue du Parmelan 74 000 ANNECY – France
+ 33 (0)6 45 68 30 55
Conference Presentations
- HEC Genève / STRATEGIC PURCHASING Annual Conference (2010 June) « Les ressources insoupçonnées des démarches collaboratives clients/fournisseurs»
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne / Purchasing Conference (2010 May) « Comment améliorer les relations clients/fournisseurs dans les Entreprises en réseau »
- CROP & Co / Annual Conference (2010 March) « Open Innovation and Co design, a new way for efficiency?
- MACS 2009 / Annual meeting Polytech /CNRS (2009 Oct) « Co-design tools, PRAXIS project »
- IMRI / Ecole des Mines/ Polytechnique / Rencontres Annuelles de CARGESE (2008 May) « Stratégie d’innovation et intégration des fournisseurs : le cas SALOMON»
- Purchasing National Awards “Trophées DECISION Achats” (2009 April) « Trophée national pour JARNIAT Conseil et THESAME dans la catégorie Innovation Achats”
Sport marketing is a recent science: the first American handbooks were published in the 80’s. Since then the field has developed with both academics and practitioners working to push frontiers with the continual development of innovative concepts. Developments over the last decade include: Ambush marketing which can drastically reduce the value of your event sponsorship, CRM which gives you the opportunity to create a community, such as the surfwear industry (Quiksilver, Rip Curl…) has built, experiential marketing in flagship stores, where the consumer is not there to buy, he is there to “live an experience” thanks to the brand eg closer to a Starbucks strategy then traditional retail and Co-branding between a sport brand and a non-sport brand which attracts new consumers to your brand and gives value to your products, such as the partnership between Apple and Nike.
But we are now at a crossroads as much of the the marketing landscape, such as media distribution, is rapidly changing as the massive growth of the internet alters rules and values.New ideas are sweeping away many traditional marketing strategies and brands will need to keep their fingers close to the pulse to stay ahead of the pack. Michel will look at how the various categories of sports marketing have developed, where they are now and their relative importance and what will be key to successful marketing over the next decade.
Michel Desbordes is 40 years old. He was born in Strasbourg (France) on November 21st 1969. His father was born in the Alps and therefore Michel has been an outdoor sports fan from an early age enjoying cycling, climbing, hiking and skiing. This influenced him to mix sport and an academic career. After finishing his B.A. Management Sciences, with High Honors at the University of Paris IX-Dauphine, Michel went onto to study a Ph.D. in Management Sciences, which he passed with High Honors at the University Louis Pasteur, Starsbourg (France) and then completed a Habilitation, Management Sciences, with High Honors, at University of Paris-Assas Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
Since entering academia in 1994 Desbordes has held a number of positions firstly as a Lecturer at the Louis Pasteur University Strasbourg (France) from 1994-1998, and then as a Associate professor, Paris Sud-11 University (France) from 1999-2005 before becoming Full Professor at the Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg (France) in 2005. Michel is a specialist in sport marketing (sponsorship, management of sport events, public policies and sport, methodology and surveys) and is currently both an academic and consultant. Michelle holds professorships at both the University of Ottawa (Canada) as a auxiliary professor and as a Full Professor at the University of Paris South 11, Paris (France) and he is also the Editor of the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship www.imrpublications.com/SM/IJSM/board.html
Additionally he has lectured as an invited professor at Corvinus University (Hungary), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russia), EVTEK Institute of Technology (Helsinki, Finland), invited professor at the University of San Sebastian (Spain) and UIBE (University of International Business and Economics in Beijing (China)
Chairman and CEO Shopatron Inc
Wednesday October 12th - 4.10-5.10 pm: SEMINAR #4
Topic: The future of ecommerce for branded manufacturers
The retail landscape has been shaken to the core by the emergence of the Internet and online shopping. Today, manufacturer websites with rich product information and attractive lifestyle-oriented content are a popular destination for shoppers researching a new purchase.
So how can a manufacturer best meet the needs of the online shopper, whilst maximizing the rate of conversion from ‘shopper’ to ‘buyer’? What does it mean to align ‘online’ and ‘offline’ go-to market strategies? What are the main aspects of mobile commerce? And what can a manufacturer do today to get on this hot trend without breaking the bank?
Ed Stevens will demonstrate the four ways a manufacturer can use their own website to convert visitors to actual sales. He will discuss how online and offline go-to market strategies can be aligned to move sales forward, even in difficult trading conditions. Ed will also cover mobile commerce, ecommerce’s hottest topic, and show where manufacturers might focus their investments and time to capture new customers and increase sales on smart phones and tablet computers.
Ed Stevens received his bachelor’s degree in Russian Literature from Stanford University. During his post-graduate fellowship, Ed spent a year in St. Petersburg and was the first American citizen to work on the payroll of a Russian military factory after the Cold War. He worked at Pirometr AO, a manufacturer of navigation equipment for military and civilian aircraft. At Pirometr, Ed was instrumental in developing a range of civilian consumer products for worldwide export, including scuba diving equipment and miniature engines for radio control airplanes.
Ed then founded Norvel Ltd., a hobby products company based in Twinsburg, Ohio. Norvel marketed and distributed hobby products in America and around the world. Ed managed market entry, including development of the brand identity, distribution strategy, and sales and service network. For eight years, Ed was the primary product manager, serving as the conduit between consumers and engineers in the factory in Russia.
Whilst at Norvel, Ed realized there was a fundamental disconnect in the ecommerce marketplace: selling online put him into a competitive position with his retail partners. Ed leveraged his experience at Norvel to found FirePoppy in 2000, and developed the model for the flagship product, Shopatron. In 2006 FirePoppy was rebranded as Shopatron. Stevens has served as Chairman and CEO since the company’s inception.
As Shopatron has grown, Ed has guided the company to become a leader in multi-channel ecommerce sales. Orders placed online can be picked-up at local retail locations, which drives additional sales and convenience. Presently, Ed is engaged in launching Shopatron’s onBlocks site and store platform, which includes mobile commerce capability as a native feature.
Shopatron, Inc.:
Shopatron is the leading provider of global ecommerce solutions for consumer goods industries. Orders placed on Shopatron merchant websites are fulfilled through a network of local retailers. Local fulfilment speeds delivery, motivates fulfilment partners to stock more inventory and facilitates in-store pickup. Shopatron operates Coex Freedom, an order exchange with more than 600 merchants and 10,000 fulfilment partners across 35 consumer products industries. For more information, visit http://ecommerce.shopatron.com
- Snowforum, Garmisch Partkirchen (2009)
- Keynote Speaker, Johnson Outdoors Annual Meeting, Racine, Wisconsin (2009)
- Member, Board of Directors, Radio Control Hobby Trade Association (1994-2000)
- Honoured as one of 40 top business leaders under 40 by Pacific Coast Business Times (2004)
- Member, Board of Directors, Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo, California (2008 - Present)
- Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Santa Barbara chapter, Network Chairman (2009 - Present)

Director of SportKreativWerkstatt
Wednesday 13th October - 10.00-11.00 am: SEMINAR #5
The Future of Outdoor Sports: Structured Forecasting into 2025
Accurately spotting new market niches years in advance is crucial. It enables your business to be one step ahead of the competition and gain significant early market share.
Early leaders rarely lose their grip on the market, so being prepared in advance for any new technological eventuality is essential for future growth. In this presentation, we’ll look at the main future areas of innovation in outdoor sport, and explain how they can give direction and quality to your future business development.
At the beginning, we’ll introduce a few main principles of the underlying methodological foundation of holistic innovation. Especially important is the idea of system visioning, a technique that can help structure early efforts to recognise new business opportunities.
Fozzy will outline some core innovation fields that are set to be crucial in the next decade or two. These represent a vast corridor of opportunities for improving outdoor activities and business. Examples that are already visible today are U-Health, non-motorized mobility and sustainable mountaineering, and we’ll also look at future innovations such as entertainment hiking, virtual skiing and bio-fun surfaces.
How to tap into these fields on a systemic level is vital to over business success, and the presentation will offer conclusions as to how business development can be restructured into a focused and effective strategy towards a desired outcome.
Prof. Dr. Eckehard Fozzy Moritz is director of SportKreativWerkstatt, a renowned innovation enterprise that works with clients like BMW, BASF, Bosch, Head and the German Skiing Association to stimulate and coordinate innovation projects on national and international levels. He also advises private and political institutions on innovation issues in Germany, Mexico, Spain, and Italy.
In 1994 Moritz received his doctorate from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Between 1996 and 2000 he was directing the innovatop e.V. – a centre for cooperative and interdisciplinary innovation research, before initiating SportKreativWerkstatt in 2000.
As part of his academic profile, Moritz has held guest professorships in Cincinnati, Bangkok and Puebla, and organized conferences and workshops in 27 countries worldwide. He founded the German Sports Engineering Association and was president until 2007. He was chairman of the 6th World Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association in 2006 and was honoured with professorships in China and Mexico.
Away from the academic arena, Moritz is equally prolific. After his career in American Football in the German League finished, he moved to acrobatics where he is still active today. He trained and performed in countries like Japan, Mongolia, Spain, and Scotland, organized a successful bet in the largest German TV-Show ‘Wetten Dass’, and is still happy to show off in innovative events. He speaks various languages and besides sports loves experimenting, travelling and thinking.
Our vision is to be frontrunner in holistic innovation and as such to realize new solutions that meet the needs of mankind and actively help shape a desired future. Our mission is the systematic development of systemic innovative solutions that meet the demands of society and industry. Core competence includes the development and application of methods for the stimulation and organization of innovation, innovation management in complex settings, and the integration of user needs and user motivation into innovative projects. We have successfully applied our method of holistic innovation in the German and international markets and in the automotive, engineering, industrial production, materials, healthcare, food & beverage, sports, lifestyle and tourism industries. Clients include BMW, Bosch, Daimler, Trumpf, Head, MAN, Adidias, Volkswagen and governmental and regional institutions in Germany, Italy, Spain and Mexico.
- Moritz, E.F., 2009;
Holistische Innovation - Konzept, Methodik und Beispiele; Springer Verlag, Heidelber
- Moritz, E.F., Haake, S. (Eds.) 2006;
The Engineering of Sport 6, Vol. 1-3; Springer Verlag, New York
- Moritz, E.F. (2006);
Innovatorik für den Spitzensport; Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
- Witte, K., Edelmann-Nusser, J., Sabo, A., Moritz, E.F. (Eds.) 2006;
Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis IV; Shaker Verlag, Aachen
- Gros, H., Edelmann-Nusser, J., Witte, K., Moritz, E.F., Roemer, K. (Eds.) 2004;
Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis III; Shaker Verlag, Aachen
- Moritz, E.F., Edelmann-Nusser, J., Witte, K., Roemer, K. (Eds.) (2004);
Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis II; Shaker Verlag, Aachen
- Roemer, K. , Edelmann-Nusser, J., Witte, K., Moritz, E.F. (Eds.) (2003);
Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
- Ito, Y., Moritz, E.F., Ruth, K (Eds.) (2003);
Synergy of Culture and Production, Vol.2; artefact Verlag, Sottrum
- Moritz, E.F. (Ed.) (2003);
Sports, Culture, and Technology – an Introductory Reader; artefact Verlag, Sottrum
- Kesselring, S., Moritz, E.F., Petzel, W., Vogl, G. (2003);
Kooperative Mobilitätspolitik: Theoretische, empirische und praktische Perspektiven am Beispiel München und Frankfurt, Rhein/Main; IMU-Institut, Heft 3I
- Ito, Y., Moritz, E.F. (Eds.) (1997);
Synergy of Culture and Production, Vol.1; artefact Verlag, Sottrum
- Moritz, E.F., Rauner, F., Spöttl, G. (Eds.) (1997);
Austauschen statt Reparieren: Der "Erfolg" des japanischen KFZ-Service; Donat-Verlag, Bremen
- Moritz, E.F.(1997);
Tokyo verkehrt - Einsichten und Aussichten zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft von "Mobilität" im Großraum Tokyo; Discussion Paper, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin
- Spöttl, G., Rauner, F., Moritz, E.F. (Eds.) (1997);
Vom KFZ-Handwerk zum Qualitätsservice: Der US-amerikanische KFZ-Sektor nach der Trendwende; Donat-Verlag, Bremen
- Moritz, E.F.(1996);
Im Osten nichts Neues - Theorie und Praxis von Produktinnovation in Japan im Vergleich zu Deutschland; artefact-Verlag, Sottrum
Individual Papers and Contributions:
- Innovationen mit Qualität? Die Erzeugung von Qualität durch systematisch geleitete, holistische Innovation; in: Horch, H.-D., Breuer, C., Hovemann, G., Kaiser, S., Roemisch, V.; Qualitätsmanagement im Sport; Tagungsband zum 5. Deutschen Sportökonomie-Kongress, Köln
- Systematic Innovation in Sports Engineering; in: Hubbard, M., Mehta, R.D., Pallis, J.M.; The Engineering of Sport 5; ISEA, Sheffield 2004
- Dojyo: An Innovative Distributed Engineering Project; Contribution to the Intertech Conference, Cincinnati 2004
- Developing a Muscle-Driven Mobility Device for Puebla, Mexico; Contribution to the Conference of the International Institute for Industrial and Manufacturing Culture (IMAC), Duisburg 2004
- Computer Supported Collaborative Sports; Contribution to the 3rd International Conference on Entertainment Computing ICEC 2004, Eindhoven 2004
- Innovation in Sports Equipment – Particularities in Processes and Organization; in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sports Engineering, Blackwell Science, Kyoto 2002
- Distributed Innovation in Sports Equipment – Dojyo Style; in: Proceedings of IMAC, Nagoya, Japan 2002
- Innovation in Sports Equipment – Bridging Ideas, Expertise, and Application by Utilizing Systematic Design Approaches; Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, San Francisco 2001
- Design of Sports Equipment as a new Academic Field – Challenges and Experiences; Blackwell Science: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sports Engineering, Sydney 2000
- Team Design Life - How to add Inspiration, Involvement, and Intertainment to an ICED Experience; Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, München 1999
- Mejorar la capacidad para colaborar en equipos y redes empresariales mediante ejercicios comunes de acrobacia, Second national Conference on Sports Didactics, , Granada, Spain 1998
- The purpose of engineering education; SME International conference on education in manufacturing; San Diego 1998
- Global Challenges for Engineers in the 21st Century; Proceedings of the MM21 conference to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo (1997);
- How to Achieve Creative Synergy - Contemplations, Cases, and Concepts in Cooperative Design; Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere (1997);
- Pooling Competence - Some Practical Implications for Enhancing Cooperative Innovation, in: Brandt, D. (Eds.), Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, 6th IFAC Symposium, Krajnska Gora (1997);
- How to engineer a good engineering education; SME-Conference on Manufacturing Education for the 21st Century; San Diego (1996);
- Approaching an understanding of cultural styles of control development and automated manufacturing in Japan, the USA, and Germany; IFAC World Congress, San Francisco . (1996);
- Technical Creativity in an International Comparative Perspective; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Engineering Design, Praha (1995);
- Potentials and Problems of Cooperation in Product Innovation - a Dialogue between Disciplines and Cultures; Joint Symposium of innovatop and the Tokyo Institute of Technology; Dresden (1995);
- Cooperative Production as a New Paragon - Vision or Fiction; 5th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill - Joint Design of Technology and Organization; Berlin .(1995);
- Potentials and Problems of Cooperation between the Japanese and the German Machine Tool Industry; Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Thought Model-Based Manufacturing Systems, Tokyo
- Äpfel und Birnen - ein Vergleich des deutschen und japanischen Werkzeugmaschinenbaus; fertigung 12/Dezember, moderne industrie verlag, Landsberg
- Computer Aided Production Management - Innovation and Design; Proceedings der 6th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering; Edinburgh
- Future Potentials in Urban Mobility – Ministry of Transport, Lima, Peru, May 2008
- Systematic Innovation in Sports – Business Program, German Sports University, Cologne, Germany January 2010
- Innovation Potentials in Sustainable Tourism – Lapland Tourism Institute, Rovaniemi, Finland, February 2010
- Systematic Innovation for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises – Ministry of Science and Technology, Toluca, February 2010
Head of CSR & Sustainability at The North Face (VFC) in Europe, and Chair of the European Outdoor Group’s Sustainability Working Group
Wednesday October 12th - 11.40-12.40 am: SEMINAR #6
Topic: A Sustainability Roadmap: The Outdoor Industry's Sustainability Working Group’s Vision
Sustainability is one of the biggest challenges facing business today. Everybody is affected by it, and the solutions are complex.
The outdoor industry is at the frontline of this important struggle. Its very existence is about enjoying a relationship with our natural surroundings. In addition, this first hand experience of the state of the planet has made outdoor consumers very aware of this issue, and they are now placing strong demands on companies to tackle them.
Since October 2008, The European Outdoor Group's Sustainability Working Group (SWG) has been working in partnership with the OIA's Eco Working Group in the US to provide solutions to the huge sustainability challenges facing the industry.
In this presentation, Cortney McDermott, Chairman of the SWG, will examine the benefits of a collective approach to sustainability. She’ll explain how the SWG works and guide you through the rollout and applications of the Outdoor Industry's Eco Index.
Initiated by the OIA's Eco Working Group in the US in 2007, the Eco Index is an environmental assessment tool for apparel, equipment and footwear products containing environmental guidelines (best practices), performance indicators and metrics, and a comparative scoring system.
Recipient of 15 university, state and national scholarships and awards in high scholarship, notable community service and university initiative, Cortney completed a 5-year University & Departmental Honors BSc Summa cum laude in 3 years and then procured her MSc in International Relations at the London School of Economics in just one year.
Her written academic contributions include Lin Pao and the Dynamics of the Mao-Deng Transition: A Study of the Market impact resulting from the Mao Tse-tung - Deng Xiaoping Transition and Motivé-e-s et Zebda: Le Chant des Partisans, which was studied and written in situ (Toulouse, France).
Cortney next moved to the north of Italy, where she currently lives, to teach business English and English as a foreign language in collaboration with the European Community. She joined the management and marketing department at The North Face Italia Italy (VF Corp) in 2005 and was appointed CSR & Corporate Communications Manager for the EMEA region in 2008. As head of CSR & Sustainability, Cortney manages sustainability & communications risks and opportunities for the business, and identifies industry ‘best practices’ in sustainability and implements them internally. She joined VF Corporation’s Sustainability Council in 2010.
Her most recent related publication, Corporate Agenda 21: a unified global approach to CSR & Sustainability (which won the Best Paper Award from the New York Corporate Communications Institute), is a conceptual study designed to establish the feasibility and benefits of forming a cross-industry corporate sustainability association. Since its inception in 2008 Cortney has been the Chairperson of EOG's Sustainability Working Group. She also serves on the Outdoor Industry Association’s Eco Working Group (US) Advisory Council for 2010. She speaks four languages fluently, plays the guitar, piano and canto and is a regular marathon runner.
VF Corporation: VF is a $7.2 billion apparel powerhouse, with an incredibly diverse, international portfolio of brands and products that reach consumers wherever they choose to shop. Over the years, we have built a foundation for sustainable, long-term success, based on our diversity, a culture that is perpetually driven to succeed and our ability to manage large-scale complexity. VF is a publicly held company listed on the NYSE (VFC) with locations in over 150 countries globally.
- Corporate Agenda 21: a unified global approach to CSR & Sustainability (Publishing House: Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Emerald Publications, vol. 14 No. 32008), a conceptual study designed to establish the feasibility and benefits of forming a cross-industry corporate sustainability association
Babylon: Sustainability Languages and the Eco Index (Published in Salt Magazine) March 2010
- Biography published in the U.S. Library of Congress (The National Dean’s List 23rd Annual Edition 1999-2000, Library of Congress no.79642835).
Conference Presentations
- ISPO 2009 and 2010
- OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2008, 2009, 2010
- UK Innov_ex Conference: 2010
- NYC Corporate Communications Institute Corp Comm Conference: 2008
- Bluesign conference Friedrichshafen 2010
- EOG open meeting Friedrichshafen 2010
Awards and Merits
- National Deans’ List
- Lincoln Academy of Illinois Award
- Outstanding Delegate Award for the Economic and Social Committee at Midwest Model United Nations – 1999
- Outstanding Delegate of Fifth Committee – Model UN – 2000
- Outstanding Individual Community Service Award
- University Standard of Excellence Award
- EIU Certificate of Appreciation;
- University Academic Achievement Award
- College of Sciences Undergraduate Research Award
- Best Paper Award (Corporate Communications Institute of New York) –
- 2008 Eunice Dougherty Scholarship
- University Honors Scholarship
- C.A. Hollister Pre-Legal Studies Scholarship
- Founders’ Scholarship – Sigma Kappa
- Governmental State Scholarship

Founder and CEO SGI-Europe
Wednesday 13th October - 2.20-3.20pm
Topic: Business Strategies for Tougher Times: How has the business environment in the outdoor market changed? How can business tap in and benefit from the new dynamics?
Unpredictable weather patterns, the global financial crisis and recent Asian sourcing problems have all combined to create an unfamiliar business environment, full of new opportunities and threats.
To survive and benefit from the new circumstances, suppliers of outdoor products and other types of sporting goods are developing new strategies in all aspects of their businesses.
Significant examples of the early adoption of new strategies to meet these challenges can be found both within the outdoor market and in the wider sports goods market, both in Europe and elsewhere. In many cases, a win-win situation sees the more successful companies streamlining inventories and increasing profit margins, and reinvesting the margins in marketing and merchandising.
Eugenio will examine how the crisis has changed the business environment in the outdoor market and how businesses can tap into and benefit from these new dynamics.
Born in Rome 63 years ago, Eugenio entered the publishing business at an early age by launching a magazine as a 16 year old boy scout to collect money for his group’s activities. He obtained a Master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University in New York in 1974, before practising journalism at The New York Times and The Associated Press for five years in Rome and New York between 1970 and 1975. Eugenio next spent 13 years specialising as a business reporter for Fairchild Publications (Sportstyle, Women’s Wear Daily, Footwear News etc.) both in Toronto and Paris.
In 1990, Eugenio founded European Decision Maker Publications and has since built the business into one of Europe’s leading sports information providers. He has lived and worked in Italy for 25 years, North America for six years and France for 33 years, speaks and writes in English, French and Italian, and enjoys hiking, rowing, cycling and swimming.
EDM Publications stands for European Decision Maker Publications. It is an exclusive and international business information service that is not supported by advertising – only by subscriptions and book purchases. Intended for company executives with an international vision and with little time at their disposal, it provides comprehensive, exclusive, concise and non-promotional information, going beyond press releases to report what the reader wants to know, rather than what a company wants the market to know.
EDM Publications produces four periodical business newsletters as well as market research reports focusing on the European sporting goods market and its various segments. While the company is based in France, all its publications are in English. The main periodical is the European edition of Sporting Goods Intelligence, or (SGI Europe), which is 21 years old and very well established in the market. Two younger newsletters are Shoe Intelligence, which covers the non-athletic footwear market, and EyeWear Intelligence. The youngest offspring is The Outdoor Industry Compass. Launched two years ago, it complements SGI Europe with exclusive or more detailed information on the outdoor market, focusing on companies operating in any European country. Another major component of SGI Europe is a series of detailed reports on the sporting goods market in 45 different European countries, based on primary research and on interviews with thousands of executives at all stages of the supply chain.
Eugenio Di Maria has given many conferences on the sporting goods market and on international publishing at locations such as Paris, Milan, Munich, Moscow and Eindhoven.

Managing Partner Fullsix
Wednesday, October 13th - 4.00 -5.00 pm : SEMINAR #8
Topic: Digital natives, in the mind of the new consumer.
More than just changing channels, the digital age is changing consumer mindsets. Winning with consumers nowadays is about getting and finding the ‘consumer reality’. What does the consumer expect from me? Who is the consumer listening to on purchase decisions? How can I best influence the consumer? On what topics is the consumer open to hear from me? How is the consumer reacting to what I say?
Digital has most impacted our youth. Whatever their social or geographic origin, all youth are resolutely digital. New technologies impacting their lives permanently affect their choices and fundamentally change their behavior.
Better understanding of this generation is imperative on several levels: key target for many brands, youth are also relevant levers for all others, allowing to penetrate the inner circle (family and friends) but also anticipate the behavioral changes that will guide future consumers in all markets
We will examine the impact of new technologies on the expectations and behaviors of today’s youth. How their personal and social identity, their relationship to space and time, and their relationship to society and brands is changing. The analysis provides marketing insight and operational ideas that brands can be used in planning.
Born in Australia, Antonia started her career in publishing, working in marketing for a subsidiary of Random House in London.Antonia developed an interest in changes in consumer behaviour brought about by the acceleration of digital, after a special project looking at the impact of the digital revolution on the publishing industry. In 2001, Antonia moved to Paris where she began working in digital marketing at Europe’s leading independent communications agency, FullSix. In 2005, she became a Managing Partner at the agency.
During the past 10 years, Antonia has worked on integrated and digital marketing projects for FMCG and international companies including Procter and Gamble, Mars, Danone, L’Oreal and Kraft. She has worked on all aspects of communication strategies (including non-controlled communication and Social Relationship Marketing) for a variety of targets including Digital Natives, Power Mums, Silver surfers.
She is currently travelling the world, championing digital for Danone, delivering many keynotes on the role of digital in communication, and specific target groups.
Antonia has worked for FullSix in multiple markets including the USA, UK and in France. She is currently based in Paris.